
Data Preparation

Often, the data preparation phase of an analytical project takes more time than the statistical analysis itself. Archer Analytics, LLC provides data preparation including, merging, sorting, transposing, re-coding data, and data parsing. No data set is too messy! Consultations may also include recommendations for future data collection, storage, and updating procedures to help ensure that data is maintained in a way that is conducive to conducting future analysis.

Statistical Analysis

Archer Analytics, LLC and its partners are well versed in various statistical techniques from time series/forecasting, multi-linear and non-linear regression, and tests for significance, among others. Statistical techniques will determine if observed data patterns are due to natural variation over time, or truly statistically significant differences. The use of scientific statistical methods lends credibility and confidence for decision-makers who rely on the research’s findings.

Visual Analytics

Visualization of data takes on two important roles in analysis. First, well-constructed data visuals can make large data sets coherent and help provide insight into the complexities and relationships that exist within the data. Tools such as Tableau can be used to create an interactive web-based tool for data exploration in a user-friendly environment. Secondly, data visuals can be a critical component in crafting a compelling information display. Carefully crafted data visualizations and stunning infographics can tell a compelling story to draw your readers in.

Report Writing and Delivery

Communicating analytical results is just as important as the results themselves. Archer Analytics, LLC provides a suite of reporting solutions, from detailed technical reports to one-page executive summaries, or can work with your organization to display results in any way that meets your needs, whether in print or online.